Palm Coast Democratic Club February 13 evening meeting commencing at 6:15. Please join us for a recap of our regular meeting that took place earlier in the day. Special guest speaker, Yvette Edghill Spano, will discuss what is happening in Tallahassee with our state’s legislation which should be interesting. This is our first recap nightly meeting to accommodate working members which we hope will make our club more inclusive.
Beginning February 13th we will hold evening meetings at 6:15pm at Dem HQ on the same day as our daytime meetings (the 2nd Thursday of each month.) These meetings will be less formal and will be more of a recap of what happened during the earlier meeting. We will invite any speakers that are presenting at the daytime meeting to attend the evening one as well, but cannot guarantee their availability. Due to our club bylaws requirement for a quorum, all business requiring a vote by members will be conducted during the daytime meetings.
PALM COAST DEMOCRATIC CLUB MEETING – Dues paying members / those who are ready to join
Mark your calendars for our next club meeting Thursday, January 9th from 12-2 pm at the Democratic Office 160 Cypress Point Pkwy C214 City Market Place.
Please join us and stay informed. We have lots of work to do.